Month: September 2013

Game Focus: Hunger Games

Last spring, this game became popular with our Youth Group. Enthusiasm grew over the summer when we had weekly youth group. It’s really fun and high energy, and can be adapted for different settings. It’s especially fun with a big group of people.

hunger games







Game Focus: Hunger Games

Objective: Be the last district standing (Hunger Games 74 version).

Number of Players: Can be played with any number, but works best with large groups of 14-20 or more.

Items needed: 6 dodge balls, 6 short pool noodles (3 noodles cut in half), bandanas for every player, poster board, marker, paper with everyone’s name for drawing

Set up: Cluster dodge balls and pool noodles in a central location to create a cornucopia. Draw names to create districts. Each district should have 2 people. Post districts with names on a poster board near the cornucopia.  Leader will be the head game maker who will stay near the district poster board. Other game makers will wander the building during game play to facilitate the game (monitor behavior and create “disasters”). The head game maker will announce the boundaries of the game.


Beginning the GameEach player will hang a bandana from their right hip (through a belt loop or hanging from a pocket or waist band). Bandanas may not be tied or have knots in them. They must hang lower than your hand.

Districts will stand post around the cornucopia and the head game maker will count down from ten and then yell “GO!”. If your foot leaves your post before the word “GO!”, you are “dead”.

On the word “GO!” you may go for the pool noodles and dodge balls (“weapons”) or you may run away. You may make alliances with other districts, but you are not allowed to “kill” someone from your own district (or yourself).

If you pull someone’s bandana, they are “dead”. If your bandana falls out or is pulled out, you are “dead”. Dodge balls and pool noodles are also “weapons” that can “kill” (see “Weapons” section below).

Becoming a wolf: If you “die” you become a wolf. When you become a wolf, you must check in with the head game maker, who will cross your name off the poster board. You must then tie your bandana around your head or wear it around your neck.

When you are a wolf, your objective is to pull any human’s bandana. You cannot make alliances with humans, but you can “hunt” in a pack with other wolves.

Wolves cannot manipulate weapons, but can be “killed” by them. If a wolf is hit by a weapon in any place other than the head (head shots never count), you must “recharge”. To “recharge” you must tag the “recharge station” located near the cornucopia. (This is the soda machine when played at St. Paul.)

“Weapons” Dodge Balls and Pool Noodles: Dodge balls can be thrown only (no tagging). Pool Noodles can be thrown or used to tag.

A “kill” is from the shoulders to the hips. The area from your shoulder to your elbow is also a “kill”. If you are hit in the arm (elbow down), you lose the use of that arm for the remainder of the game. If you are hit in the leg (hip down) you lose the use of that leg for the remainder of the game (yes, you have to hop!).

St. Paul House Rules

  • St. Paul boundaries: You may use all hallways, the gym, youth room, fellowship room, cafeteria, narthex and cafe. You may not enter any classroom, the music room, vents, bathrooms, the storage area behind the curtain, the fellowship room, the sanctuary, sacristy,
  • When you are checking in with the head game maker to become a wolf, you must make eye contact and make sure you see the game maker cross your name off the list.
  • Do not take ball or noodle out of someone’s hand.
  • Do not hold doors shut. At the end of the night, we want everyone to have the same amount of fingers they came with.
  • Do not barricade doors/thresholds.
  •  Play by the rules. If you’re cheating, you’ll be disqualified from the game.
  • No head shots. No pushing. No hitting.